Data Warehouse Access Form (For Vendors Only)

All approved survey vendors contracting with hospices to implement the CAHPS Hospice Survey must have user account information and be granted access to the CAHPS Hospice Survey Data Warehouse. The CAHPS Hospice Survey Data Warehouse is maintained by the RAND Corporation.  

Survey vendors require access to the CAHPS Hospice Survey Data Warehouse in order to submit data files in accordance with the requirements of the survey file layouts by the data submission deadlines. The survey vendor will be able to review the CAHPS Hospice Survey Data Submission Reports and confirm successful upload of contracted hospices’ data files to the CAHPS Hospice Survey Data Warehouse.

Organizations completing the CAHPS Hospice Survey Data Warehouse Access Form must provide contact information for your organization’s Data Administrator and Back-up Data Administrator. Complete contact information is required to authorize a user account.  

Please note: By submitting a new form, your organization is indicating a change to its Data Administrator and/or Back-up Data Administrator.  Administrators listed on prior Data Warehouse Access Forms will no longer have access to the Data Warehouse.

1. Vendor Information
Vendor Name is required.
2. Data Administrator
First Name is required.
Last Name is required.
Phone Number is required.
Email is required.
3. Back-up Data Administrator
First Name is required.
Last Name is required.
Phone Number is required.
Email is required.
4. Additional Data Administrator (Optional)
5. Acknowledgement
In this role the Authorized Data Administrator will be responsible for:
1) Designating an individual within the organization to serve as the main point of contact with the CAHPS Hospice Survey Project Team.
2) Notifying the CAHPS Hospice Survey Project Team if my role as the CAHPS Survey Data Administrator for the organization will no longer be valid and identifying my successor by submitting a new Data Warehouse Access Form.
Checkbox is required.
Authorized Administrator Name is required.
Checkbox is required.

Enter answer to equation on left.
Note: Please print completed Data Warehouse Access form before submitting.